Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Committee (“Committee”) now invites application for the 2024-25 Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies (“the Scholarships”) 1 for individuals to pursue postgraduate courses or other training programmes, local and overseas.
The primary aim of the Scholarships is to provide opportunities for people of exceptional merit, who have demonstrated their potential to serve the community through the qualities of personal leadership, to develop their initiative and character, so that they may acquire greater social usefulness. Priority will therefore be given to candidates of proven ability and experience in fields which have a significant impact on community life, e.g. medical studies, journalism, social work, education, arts, politics, sciences, etc.
- Candidates are required to propose their own programmes of study or training, and must be supported by a person in a competent position to certify their academic and professional achievement and leadership qualities, thus relatives of the candidates are not considered suitable in this regard. The length of proposed studies should be less than five years and the projected study expenses should be supported by quotations and relevant course brochures wherever practicable. The amount of the Scholarships will vary depending on the nature of the programmes and may not necessarily cover full expenses. Candidates should have resided in Hong Kong continuously for at least five complete years immediately upon submission of application. Awardees may be required to undertake to return to Hong Kong to work for a specified period of several years upon completion of the proposed study or training, depending on the amount of scholarships offered, duration of study/training taken or other factors as decided by the Selection Panel appointed by the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Committee on a case-by-case basis.
- As competition for the Scholarships is invariably keen, applications will be short-listed by the Selection Panel. Only candidates with good Honours degree from recognised institutions and proven working experience of at least four years in their profession would be invited to attend an interview, which will be held in June or July 2024 tentatively. For applicants who propose to study overseas when the same or similar programmes are offered by local institution(s), they would be accorded a lower priority.
Application procedures: Application forms can be obtained or the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Secretariat (see paragraph 8). The completed application form together with all relevant documents must reach the Secretariat by 15 March 2024 5pm. Applications submitted via e-mail or by fax, applications with incomplete information, or late submission will not be considered. The results for the Scholarships will be announced tentatively in August 2024. The proposed course or training due for commencement prior to August 2024 or later than July 2025 will not be considered. The following documents should be submitted for each application:
(i) The Application Form;
(ii) The Proforma;
(iii) The Recommendation Form; and
(iv) Quotations on projected study expenses and relevant course brochures.
Please be reminded that all documents submitted would not be returned. Acknowledgements would be sent to the applicants by email within 2 weeks upon receipt of the applications by the Secretariat.
The Committee reserves the right to disqualify the applicant on the grounds that the applicant has engaged, is engaging, or is reasonably believed to have engaged or be engaging in acts or activities that are likely to cause or constitute the occurrence of offences endangering national security or otherwise the exclusion of the eligibility of the applicant is necessary in the interest of national security, or is necessary to protect the public interest of Hong Kong, public morals, public order or public safety.
For applicants employed by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (whether under civil service or contract terms), their applications should be submitted through their Heads of Departments. Likewise, applications from Hospital Authority staff members should be submitted through the Human Resources Division of Hospital Authority Head Office (Tel.: 2300 7697/Fax: 2515 2299). These applications should also reach the Secretariat by 15 March 2024 5pm, and application failing to route through the concerned organisations will not be considered.