IIT Guwahati Incubated Startup To Revolutionise Petroleum Industry

  • These robots are used for cleaning petroleum tanks enhancing safety and operational efficiency

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati incubated Startup Beta Tank Robotics has developed two robotic solutions that efficiently maintain and clean petroleum tanks eliminating the need of human entry for this hazardous task. These robots are a valuable addition to the Oil industry, making it safer, more cost-effective and environmentally responsible.

Beta Tank Robotics (BetaTANK) has been incubated at IITG-Technology Incubation Centre (IITG-TIC) in the year 2019. It has been funded under the Flagship Programme–Start-up India Fund ‘Startup Nurturing, Enabling and Handholding (SNEH)’ of OIL India.

Prof Senthilmurugan, Chairperson of the IITG – Technology Incubation Centre (IITG- TIC) said “BetaTANK Robotics’ journey, which began at our incubation center in 2019, sets a shining example for what passion, innovation and the right support network can accomplish. Their success is not only a reflection of their individual brilliance but a testament to the power of the ecosystem we have tirelessly built at IITG-TIC. To fuel the next growth phase, we are actively facilitating crucial investments by engaging in strategic partnerships with esteemed investors aligned with IITG-TIC. Our startups, including BetaTank, enjoy a well-rounded mentorship program that includes wisdom from respected IITG faculty, insights from our accomplished alumni and hands-on expertise from industry stalwarts at OIL India Limited.”

Speaking about the crude oil robots, Captain D. Chandrasekhar, founder of BetaTANK said, “I planned to make this robot in 1995, when as a ship’s officer, I myself was inside ships oil tanks, overseeing some tank operations. I believed a robotic solution was the way to work in such an environment. That dream could not be realised for almost 3 decades – until 2019, when OIL offered incubation and financial support to make this robot.”

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